Health Bridge Pharmacy is a healthcare subscription service that provides our clients with access to high-quality practitioners & Medication at the best rates out there.
Health Bridge Pharmacy is open to everyone regardless of gender. To use Time Line Pharmacy you must be:
- 18 years old or older.
- Be willing to share information we require to process your request.
- Demonstrate medical need for treatment.
Health Bridge Pharmacy is designed to be more than a telehealth platform, but still simple for our clients. You can start treatment in three easy-steps.
- Complete a medical intake and (if necessary) have lab work done to verify a medical need for treatment.
- Proceed to shop and place your order for medication.
- If medically appropriate, receive your medication in the mail weekly, monthly Or Annually from our mail order pharmacy provider (depending on your decision).
We want to enable you to form a long-term connection with your provider so that they can provide ongoing care for your specific condition. With that in mind, Time Line Pharmacy is designed for patients seeking long-term care.
We are available in almost every country. We are constantly adding new countries & states. If you attempt to sign-up and your state isn’t listed, check back soon!
In an emergency, please call 9-1-1, or your local equivalent, immediately.
South Dakota, USA
Questions Regarding Medication & Service
We work closely with the suppliers to get medication. Your medication will be mailed directly from the pharmacy to your address on file.
If you would like to have your prescription filled by a different pharmacy, our providers can fax your prescription in to a pharmacy of your choice. Please email for further assistance.
You will receive an email after your order concerning steps to follow.
Though the majority of providers Health Bridge Pharmacy works with have a diverse range of experience, due to the nature of telehealth there are some conditions and treatments we are unable to facilitate. Please speak to a provider locally who may be able to assess your condition.
Health Bridge Pharmacy does not offer or engage in any treatments involving:
- Human Growth Hormone (GH/HGH)
- Cannabis/Medical Marijuana/CBD, and such
- Any ingredients that lack FDA-approval (novel peptides, nutraceuticals, etc.)